עגלת קניות
הנחה של 80% - בשידור חי
האוסף המקורי של לאה: עד 80% הנחה – תודה רבה מכל הלב!

תנאי שירות

  1. AlKo ECOM
    1. 80132685
  1. תחום שיפוט

כאשר אתה משתמש באתר ובמקרה שיתגלה כי הוא מחולק, אתה מסכים כי האמור לעיל נמצא תחת תחום השיפוט הבלעדי של החוק הישראלי תוך שימוש במערכת בתי המשפט הישראלית בלבד במחוז תל אביב.

  1. השירות פעיל בכל שעות היממה ובכל ימי השבוע, וניתן להשתמש בו כולל רכישת מוצרים בכל עת. עם זאת, ייתכן שהאתר יהיה מושבת עקב תקלות שאינן בשליטת Cohenza, אשר עשויות להתרחש בכל עת ו/או עקב עבודות תחזוקה שונות ו/או מסיבות אחרות, ולמשתמש לא יהיו טענות כלפי Cohenza-il.com בשל כך.

  2. תנאי שימוש אלו מהווים הסכם נפרד בין המשתמש ל-Cohenza-il.com (להלן: "האתר"). מוסכם ומובהר כי Cohenza לא תהיה אחראית כלפי המשתמש במקרה של הפרת תנאים אלה על ידי משתמש אחר, ובמקרה של כל הפרה על ידי משתמש אחר, המשתמש רשאי לתבוע רק את הצד המפר ולא תהיה לו כל טענה, תביעה ו/או דרישה כלשהי נגד Lazedo.

  3. מוצרים שונים מוצעים למכירה באתר כפי שהם מפורטים ומופיעים באתר. עם זאת, האתר (להלן: Cohenza-il.com) רשאי בכל עת להפסיק את מכירת מוצרים מסוימים וכן להוסיף מוצרים חדשים ו/או לשנות את מגוון המוצרים המוצעים למכירה באתר, והכל לפי שיקול דעתו הבלעדי וללא הודעה מוקדמת, ולמשתמש לא יהיו טענות בשל שינוי כאמור.

  4. לצד כל מוצר מצוין מחירו, כאשר המחיר כולל מס ערך מוסף (מע"מ) אלא אם כן צוין אחרת. עם זאת, Cohenza-il.com רשאית לשנות את מחירו של כל מוצר בכל עת ולפי שיקול דעתה הבלעדי ללא שלמשתמש יהיו טענות בשל כך, ויובהר כי המועד הקובע לעניין מחיר המוצר הוא מועד אישור ההזמנה על ידי המזמין ולא מועד הוספתו לסל הקניות.

  5. Cohenza-il.com משתדלת לוודא כי כל הפרטים, התיאורים והתמונות של המוצרים המופיעים באתר הם נכונים. עם זאת, ייתכנו שגיאות בתום לב בנוגע לתיאור המוצר או התמונות באתר, והמראה של המוצר כפי שהוא מופיע על המסך של המכשיר שלך עשוי להיות שונה מהמראה בפועל בשל הבדלים הנובעים, בין השאר, מהגדרות התצוגה ואיכות המסך במכשיר שלך. יובהר כי תמונות המוצרים המופיעות באתר הן לצורכי המחשה בלבד אלא אם צוין אחרת בדף המוצר ואינן מחייבות את האתר (Cohenza-il.com) בכל דרך שהיא.

  6. מכיוון שמלאי המוצרים משתנה מעת לעת, ייתכן שמוצר שהוזמן לא יהיה זמין במלאי של Cohenza-il.com בזמן ההזמנה. לפיכך, Cohenza-il.com שומרת לעצמה את הזכות לא לספק את המוצר ללקוח כתוצאה מכך, לאחר פנייה אליו בתוך זמן סביר והודעה על חוסר הזמינות של המוצר במלאי של Cohenza-il.com, ללא שתהיה לו כל טענה כלפי זה בשל כך, והיא תהיה רשאית להציע לו מוצר חלופי הנמצא במלאי. אם הלקוח כבר חויב עבור הזמנת המוצר שאינו במלאי, Cohenza-il.com תחזיר לו את כספו עבור הזמנת המוצר.

  7. מבלי לחרוג מהאמור בתנאי שימוש אלה ובכפוף להוראות החוק, Cohenza-il.com שומרת לעצמה את הזכות במקרים מסוימים לבטל הזמנה שבוצעה ואושרה, כולל, אך לא רק, אם נמצא שגיאה בפרטי המוצר המתייחסים למאפייניו ולמחירו כפי שהופיעו באתר, וכן אם מתגלה כי הזמנת המוצר בוצעה בהפרה של תנאי שימוש אלה ו/או בהפרה של צדדים שלישיים. במקרה האמור, Cohenza-il.com שומרת לעצמה את הזכות לא לספק את המוצר ללקוח כתוצאה מכך לאחר פנייה אליו בתוך זמן סביר והודעה על ביטול כזה ללא שתהיה לו כל טענה כלפי זה בשל כך. אם הלקוח כבר חויב עבור הזמנת המוצר, Cohenza-il.com תחזיר לו את כספו עבור הזמנת המוצר.

  8. מחירי המוצרים באתר אינם בהכרח זהים למחירי המוצרים שעשויים להופיע בכל מקום אחר כולל, אך לא רק, בדף הפייסבוק של Cohenza-il.com. בכל מקרה, המחירים המפורטים באתר הם המחירים הקובעים לכל רכישת מוצרים המבוצעת דרך האתר.

  9. אם ישנה טעות כלשהי במשלוח המוצר, Cohenza-il.com תוציא את המוצר ללקוח בהזמנה חדשה יחד עם פיצוי לפי הסכמת הלקוח. אם הלקוח הסכים לפיצוי זה - זמני המשלוח יתחדשו בהתאם למדיניות המשלוחים באתר וללקוח והמשתמש לא יהיו טענות כלפיה (כלפי Cohenza-il.com) בשל כך.

הזמנת מוצרים ותשלום, משלוח מוצרים ומשלוחים:

  1. התשלום באתר ניתן ויתבצע בכרטיס אשראי בכפוף לאישור חברת האשראי, או דרך שירות PayPal. יובהר כי Cohenza-il.com עשויה לשנות את דרכי ו/או אמצעי התשלום ו/או את דרכי ביצוע ההזמנה בכל עת לפי שיקול דעתה הבלעדי וללא הודעה מוקדמת ללא שלמשתמש יהיו טענות בשל כך.

יובהר כי אם המזמין בוחר באפשרות התשלום דרך PayPal, אזי שירות תשלום זה ניתן על ידי צדדים שלישיים ואינו בשליטת Cohenza-il.com. לפיכך, Cohenza-il.com לא תישא באחריות כלשהי בגין תקלה ו/או בעיה כלשהי, כולל בעיות אבטחת תשלום, אשר יעלו כתוצאה מתשלום בדרך זו כאמור לעיל.

  1. זמני האספקה הם בין 13 ל-39 ימי עסקים מיום אישור ההזמנה. Cohenza-il.com עשויה לשנות את זמני האספקה מעת לעת לפי שיקול דעתה הבלעדי וללא הודעה מוקדמת ללא שלמשתמש יהיו טענות בשל כך.

  2. אם שיטת המשלוח שנבחרה היא "משלוח עד הבית" ובשל תקלה טכנית המשלוח לא יסופק על ידי שליח אלא לנקודת חלוקה, ללקוח לא יהיו טענות/תלונות כלפי Cohenza-il.com. Dermains תחזיר את הכסף ששולם עבור משלוח עד הבית וזה המקום בו מסתיימת הסיפור מבחינת שני הצדדים.

  3. במהלך תקופת הקורונה, ייתכנו עיכובים נוספים של עד 45 ימי עסקים.

  4. כרגע, כל הזמנה לכתובת בישראל פטורה מדמי משלוח, אם כי Cohenza-il.com שומרת לעצמה את הזכות לגבות דמי משלוח בעתיד עבור הזמנת מוצרים לפי שיקול דעתה הבלעדי וללא הודעה מוקדמת ללא שלמשתמש יהיו טענות בשל כך.

  5. מבלי לגרוע מהאמור להלן, יובהר כי שירות המשלוחים ניתן על ידי צד שלישי שאינו בשליטת Cohenza-il.com ואינה אחראית עליו. לפיכך, Cohenza-il.com לא תישא באחריות כלשהי לנזק שנגרם על ידי כל צד המעניק את שירות השליחויות כפי שפורט לעיל, כולל נזק הנובע מרשלנות.

  6. מכיוון שמדובר בשירות שמעבר לשליטת Cohenza-il.com ואינה באחריותה, ייתכנו עיכובים במועד המסירה בשל סיבות שאינן בשליטת Cohenza-il.com, כולל, אך לא רק, כוח עליון, מצב ביטחוני רגיש באזור המסירה, מזג אוויר קיצוני, מפגעים טבעיים (רעידת אדמה, שיטפון וכדומה), מפגעים אחרים (כגון: שריפה, חסימות כבישים וכדומה), מפגעי מחלות והתפרצויות וירוסים שונות ועיכובים הנובעים משביתות, וללקוח לא יהיו טענות כלפי Cohenza-il.com בשל העיכוב האמור. יובהר כי לא יהיה עיכוב כאמור כדי לפטור את המזמין מחובתו לשלם עבור הזמנתו. במקרים אלו ולאחר הערכה מחודשת של המצב, Cohenza-il.com תספק מועד מסירה חדש למסירת המשלוח ללקוח.

  7. יובהר כי אם במהלך מסירת המוצרים, המזמין אינו ממוקם על ידי השליח למרות תיאום מראש / המוצר לא ייאסף מנקודת האיסוף שנשלחה בהודעת SMS / מספר הטלפון שנמסר היה שגוי - המוצר לא יוחזר או ישלח פעם שניה. במקרה כזה המזמין יחויב בעלות משלוח נוספת עבור ביצוע משלוח נוסף או לחלופין, במידה והמשלוח לא יימסר לנקודת חלוקה פעם שניה ו/או עד הבית מסיבה שהיא אינה תלויה בצד שלישי ואינה תלויה ב-Cohenza-il.com אלא במזמין עצמו - הוא ייאלץ לשלם עלות משלוח נוספת.

1. Jurisdiction

When you use the site and in the event that it is discovered that it is divided, you agree below that the above is under the exclusive jurisdiction of Israeli law using the Israeli court system only in the Tel Aviv district

2. The service is active at all hours of the day and every day of the week, And it can be used including purchasing products at any time. However, it is possible that the website will be down due to malfunctions that are not under Cohenza control, which may occur at any time and/or due to various maintenance works and/or for other reasons, and the user will have no claims against Cohenza-il.com for this reason.

3. These terms of use constitute a separate agreement between the user and Cohenza-il.com(hereinafter: "the website"). It is agreed and clarified that Cohenza will not be responsible to the user in the event of a violation of these terms by another user, and that in the event of any violation by another user, the user may sue only the violating party and will not have any claim, claim and/or demand of any kind against Lazedo.

4. Various products are offered for sale on the website as they are detailed and appear on the website. However, the site (hereinafter: Cohenza-il.com) may at any time stop the sale of certain products as well as add new products and/or change the variety of products offered for sale on the site, all at its sole discretion and without prior notice, and without the user having Claims against it due to a change as mentioned above.

5. Next to each product is its price, when the price includes value added tax (VAT) unless otherwise stated. However, Cohenza-il.com may change the price of any product at any time and at its sole discretion without the user having any claims against it Because of this, it will be clarified that the determining date regarding the price of the product is the date of confirmation of the order by the orderer and not the date of adding it to the shopping basket.

6. Cohenza-il.com tries to make sure that all the details, descriptions and images of the products appearing on the website are correct. However, there may be errors in good faith regarding the product description or images on the website, and the appearance of the product appearing on your device's screen may differ from the actual appearance due to differences arising, among other things, from the display settings and the quality of the screen on your device. It will be clarified that the product images appearing on the website are for illustrative purposes only unless otherwise stated on the product page and do not bind the website (Cohenza-il.com) in any way.

7. Since the stock of products changes from time to time, it is possible that a product ordered will not be available in Cohenza-il.com  stock at the time of ordering. Therefore, Cohenza-il.com reserves the right not to supply the customer with the product as a result, after contacting him within a reasonable time and informing him of the unavailability of the product in Cohenza-il.com inventory, without him having any claim against it because of this, and will be entitled to offer him an alternative product that is in stock. If the customer has already been charged for ordering the product that is not in stock, Cohenza-il.com will refund him his money for ordering the product.

8. Without deviating from what is stated in these terms of use and subject to the provisions of the law, Cohenza-il.com reserves the right in certain cases to cancel an order that has been placed and confirmed, including, but not limited to, if an error is found in the product details that relate to its characteristics and price as they appeared on the website, as well as if it is discovered that the order The product was made in violation of these terms of use and/or in violation of third parties. In the aforementioned case, Cohenza-il.com reserves the right not to provide the customer with the product as a result of this after contacting him within a reasonable time and informing him of such cancellation without him having any claim against her for this. If the customer has already been charged for ordering the product, Cohenza-il.com will refund him his money for ordering the product.

9. The prices of the products on the website are not necessarily the same as the prices of the products that may appear anywhere else including, but not limited to, the Cohenza-il.com Facebook page. In any case, the prices listed on the website are the prices that determine any purchase of products made through the website.

10. If there is any mistake in the delivery of the product, Cohenza-il.com will issue the product to the customer in a new order together with compensation according to the customer's agreement. If the customer agreed to this compensation - the delivery times will be renewed in accordance with the shipping policy on the website and the customer and user will have claims against her (against Cohenza-il.com) due to this / complaint against Cohenza-il.com

Placement of orders & payment, delivery of products and deliveries:

11. Payment on the website can and will be made by credit card subject to the approval of the credit company, or through the PayPal service. It will be clarified that Cohenza-il.com may change the methods and/or means of payment and/or the methods of placing the order at any time at its sole discretion and without prior notice without the user having any claims against it for this.

It will be clarified that if the orderer chooses the payment option via PayPal, then this payment service is provided by third parties and is not under the control of Cohenza-il.com Therefore, Cohenza-il.com will not be responsible for any malfunction and/or problem, including payment security problems, which will arise as a result of payment in this way as mentioned above.

12. Delivery times are between 13 and 39 business days from the day the order is confirmed. Cohenza-il.com may change the delivery times from time to time at its sole discretion and without prior notice without the user having any claims against it for this.

13. If the delivery method chosen is "home delivery" and due to a technical fault the delivery is not delivered by a courier but to a distribution point, the customer will not have any claims/complaints against Cohenza-il.com. Dermains will return the money paid for home delivery and this is where the story ends From the point of view of both parties,

14. During the Corona period, deliveries may be delayed by an additional 45 business days.

15. Currently, any order to an address in Israel is exempt from shipping fees, although Cohenza-il.com reserves the right to charge shipping fees in the future for ordering products at its sole discretion and without prior notice without the user having any claims against it for this.

16. Without detracting from what is stated below, it will be clarified that the delivery service is provided by a third party that is not under Cohenza-il.com control nor its responsibility. Therefore, Cohenza-il.com will not be responsible for any damage caused by any party that provides the courier service as detailed above, including damage resulting from negligence.

17. Since this is a service beyond Cohenza-il.com control and not its responsibility, there may be delays in the delivery date due to reasons beyond Cohenza-il.com control, including, but not limited to, force majeure, a sensitive security situation in the delivery area, extreme weather, natural hazards (earthquake, flood, etc.) ), other hazards (such as: fire, road blocks, etc.), disease hazards and various virus outbreaks and delays resulting from strikes, and the customer will have no claims against Cohenza-il.com due to said delay. It will be clarified that there will not be a delay as mentioned in order to exempt the orderer from his obligation to pay for his order. In these cases and after a renewed assessment of the situation, Cohenza-il.com will provide a new delivery date for delivering the shipment to the customer.

18. It will be clarified that if, during the delivery of the products, the orderer is not located by the courier despite prior coordination / the product will not be collected from the collection point that was sent via SMS message / the cell phone number provided was incorrect - the product will not be delivered to the orderer, and the orderer will have to coordinate with customer service an alternative date for the delivery of the products . If the orderer arranges another delivery, the orderer will be charged a second delivery fee in addition to the delivery fees paid by him, even though the products were not delivered to him.

If the shipment returns to our warehouse in Israel - after 7 days, a shipment that will not be redistributed will be returned to the company abroad and the customer will not be entitled to a refund.

19. Cohenza-il.com will not be responsible for delays that are beyond its control and/or caused by the customer, including but not limited to difficulties in making contact with the orderer. Said delay will not be considered a breach of Cohenza-il.com obligations to supply the product, and the said delay will not exempt the orderer from his obligation to pay for his order.

20. Cohenza-il.com works with a number of suppliers, therefore deliveries may be split in order to give you the cheapest price.

Changing and canceling an order, canceling a transaction and returning products

21.1: Cohenza-il.com product return and transaction cancellation policy is subject to the provisions of the law, including the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law 1981-5771, and the customer may cancel his order and/or return the products that have arrived subject to the provisions below.

21.2 : It will be clarified right now that it is not possible to return a product that has been used except in cases where it is a defective product, and everything is subject to the provisions of the law, including the Law of Liability for Defective Products, 577-1980.

21.3: Changing or canceling an order by the orderer will be possible in accordance with the provisions of the law and in accordance with the discretion of Cohenza-il.com and subject to the instructions below.

21.4: A customer who wishes to cancel or change his order will contact Cohenza-il.com whose details appear in these terms of use, and inform him of his desire to cancel or change the order as appropriate as soon as possible. Such cancellation will be possible if the order has not yet been shipped.

21.5: Upon receiving notification of the cancellation of the order, Cohenza-il.com will refund the orderer his money for the order, however, it will be entitled, at its discretion and subject to the provisions of the law, to charge a cancellation fee at a rate of up to 5% of the order value or NIS 100, whichever is the lower of the two, plus shipping fees.

21.6: An orderer who wishes to change his order by adding new products will pay for them the price stated at the time of the order change and not the price stated at the time of the first order.

21.7: Canceling a transaction and returning garden products can and will be done within a period of up to 14 days from the date of receiving the order. In order to cancel the transaction, the customer must contact Cohenza-il.com and inform of his wish to cancel the transaction. After receiving the orderer's cancellation notice and as long as it is done on the said date, Cohenza-il.com will coordinate with the orderer the way to return the product. It will be clarified that it is the orderer's responsibility to ensure the return of the Cohenza-il.com products and that the return of said products will be done at the orderer's expense.

21.8: Upon receipt of the returned products at Cohenza-il.com and subject to its inspection of the condition of the products at the time of their return and confirmation regarding their correctness, Cohenza-il.com will refund the orderer his money for the order. Cohenza-il.com will be entitled, at its discretion and subject to the provisions of the law, to charge a cancellation fee at a rate of up to 5% of the order value or NIS 100, whichever is the lower of the two, when the rate of the cancellation fee includes the shipping fee even if it is not charged. The provisions of this section regarding cancellation fees shall not apply to a cancellation made due to a defect in the ordered product in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Liability for Defective Products, 577-1980 and/or a discrepancy between the features of the product as they appear on the website and the features of the actual product, in which case no cancellation fee shall be charged from the orderer, This is subject to Cohenza-il.com

21.9: Cohenza-il.com emphasizes that the customer must check that the products he received match the details of the order as it was made by him. If there is a discrepancy between the products ordered and the products actually received (for example, the quantity received does not match the quantity ordered), the orderer must notify Cohenza-il.com within one business day of said discrepancy. As long as the orderer did not notify Cohenza-il.com on the said date, the orderer will be considered as having confirmed that there is a match between the order and the delivery and the orderer will have no claims against Aurasol because of this.

21.10: A condition for receiving a refund is the delivery of the tracking number received by the user at the time of his Cohenza-il.com order. And it should be emphasized - without receiving this tracking number, it will not be possible to receive a refund between the cancellation of the deal, and everything is subject to the provisions of the law.

disclaimer of liability; Limitation of liability

22.1: It will be clarified that the products offered for sale on the website are not manufactured by Cohenza-il.com  and therefore the sole responsibility for all products on the website and for any information or presentation made on the website regarding the essence of the products including, but not limited to, the names of the manufacturers, the nature of the products, the features of the products, the images of the products, etc. "b" applies to the manufacturers and/or importers and/or authorized resellers of the products, according to the laws and regulations for consumer protection and in accordance with the terms of the warranty and service certificates that were attached to each product, if attached.

***We do not guarantee or be responsible that your use of our service (Rash Dosh) will be uninterrupted, fail safe, or error free. We do not guarantee that the results that may be obtained from the use of the service will be accurate or reliable.

You agree that from time to time we may remove our service for unlimited periods or cancel the service at any time.

In addition, you expressly agree that the use of the products is at your sole risk, the service and all products and services delivered to you through our service - AS IS & AS AVAILABLE for your use, without any warranties or conditions of any kind, express or implied, including All implied warranties or terms of trade, quality of the goods, suitability for a particular purpose, durability and more.

In no case will Cohenza-il.com our directors, employees, officers, affiliates, agents, contractors, specialists, suppliers, service providers or licensors be responsible for any injury, loss, claim or any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages of any kind, including - without limitation, loss of revenue, loss of income, loss of savings, loss of data, replacement costs or any similar damages, whether caused by your / our negligence, strict liability or otherwise, resulting from from your use of any of the services or any products purchased through our services, or from any other claim related in any way to your use of any service or product, including, but not limited to, any error or omission, any content, any loss of damage of any kind caused by the use of our products .

22.2: Cohenza-il.com will not be held responsible for any direct and/or indirect damage and/or injury of any kind that may be caused to the customer and/or to third parties as a result of using and relying on the content on the website.

22.3: The data and information appearing on the products and on the website is sometimes provided by third parties including, but not limited to, manufacturers, suppliers and/or importers, and therefore Cohenza-il.com will not bear any responsibility regarding the data and information on the products as mentioned above which, as stated, are not manufactured by it.

22.4: Cohenza-il.com makes every effort to ensure that the information about the products appearing on the website matches the product being sold. However, sometimes there may be errors in good faith regarding the details and information about the products as they appear on the website, and therefore before consuming the product, you should carefully read the details of each product. If, in good faith, you were provided with a product that does not match its description on the website, you can contact Cohenza-il.com who will take care of your credits for the price of the purchased product and coordinate the return of the Cohenza-il.com product. Alternatively, you can also replace the product with another product and receive a credit and/or add an additional amount depending on the difference between the product received and the replacement product.

22.5: Cohenza-il.com does not guarantee that the links on the website, if they appear, will be correct and/or will lead to an active website. The presence of a link to a certain website on Cohenza-il.com  website does not mean that the content of the website is reliable and/or complete and/or up-to-date and Cohenza-il.com has no control over said content, and therefore Cohenza-il.com will not bear any responsibility in this regard.

22.6: Cohenza-il.com is not responsible for any damage caused to the orderer as a result of a purchase on the site including, but not limited to, cases where the purchase, including the payment for it, is made without the orderer's consent and/or knowledge and/or incorrect typing of the order delivery address and/or incorrect typing of card details credit; as well as cases of communication failure due to an act and/or omission of communication providers.

22.7: Cohenza-il.com is not responsible for any damage caused to the customer and/or to third parties as a result of using the products except for cases where the product was damaged due to Cohenza-il.com negligence. In this case, Cohenza-il.com liability will be limited and will not exceed the amount of the defective product purchased.

22.8: Cohenza-il.com is not responsible for the content of advertisements or commercial offers of third parties that may appear on the website. Any claim, claim or demand on the part of a user regarding such offers, products or services, their acceptance or their results will be directed by him directly to the third party from whom he received the offer or bought the service, and he will not have any claim or demand against Cohenza-il.com and/or on her behalf.

22.9: Cohenza-il.com has agents who market the products. It should be emphasized that the activity of the marketers, including the content they upload, is done at their discretion only and Cohenza-il.com has no control over their actions and therefore Cohenza-il.com will not have any responsibility regarding any activity of the aforementioned marketers.

22.10: If the delivery of the product is delayed by "Israel Post", for reasons unrelated to the company, then the company will remove any responsibility for the time of product delivery and its delivery to the customer, and the customer will not have any claim and/or demand and/or claim due to the delay in the delivery of the product. Commit to product arrival times between 12-45 business days from the receipt of the order. (As mentioned above, during the Corona period there may be additional delays of up to 45 business days)

This agreement will enter into force on the day the user makes any use of the site, and will continue until the end of the user's use of the service .

Cohenza-il.com may at any time terminate this agreement in the following cases: (1) the user has violated a provision of the provisions of this agreement (or has acted in a manner that clearly demonstrates that he intends to do so or that he is unable to comply with the provisions of the agreement); (2) Cohenza-il.com will be required to do so by law (for example, when the provision of the service is or will be illegal); (3) Providing the service is no longer financially viable. In such cases, Cohenza-il.com will, as far as possible, provide the user with a reasonable notice in advance about the termination of the agreement.

23.1: Cohenza-il.com may change these terms from time to time at its sole discretion. The user is responsible for keeping up to date with such changes by entering these terms of use from time to time. Use of the service at any time as acceptance of the updated and revised terms, as they were at that time.

23.2: Cohenza-il.com reserves the right to change or discontinue the service or part of it on the website, without prior notice. In the event of the termination of the service, Cohenza-il.com will not be liable to the user or to any third party for damage or loss.

24. General, jurisdiction and notices

24.1: These terms of use, including the privacy policy, constitute the general agreement between the parties and prevail over any agreement, offer or representation made in the past, written or oral, regarding its subject. No change, amendment or waiver of a provision in this agreement shall be valid, unless made in writing and signed or confirmed electronically by the party against whom said change, amendment or waiver will be claimed.

24.2: The information and service are offered to the user as they are AS-IS, and the user agrees and confirms that Cohenza-il.com, its employees, managers, shareholders or anyone on their behalf will not be responsible for any damage, direct or indirect, that will be caused to the user and/or to a third party related to the user for use that the user Do in the information and/or in respect of the user's reliance on information presented on the website.

24.3: These terms of use shall be exclusively governed by the laws of the State of Israel. The exclusive place of jurisdiction for any matter regarding these terms of use and use is in the competent courts in the city of Beer Sheva only.

24.4: Any letter sent to Cohenza-il.com will be considered to have been received within 3 business days of being sent by registered mail; Upon arrival, the mother was personally delivered to Cohenza-il.com at its registered address; or within 24 hours from the date of sending it by facsimile or by e-mail until 17:00 on a weekday, when the sender has a confirmation of sending and no notification has been received from Cohenza-il.com about non-receipt.

24.5: Cancellation of the automatic discount in the cart: If you removed a product from the cart (for example - you had 3 products and removed 1 product, which means you now have 2 products in the cart - the automatic discount is canceled! You will need to refresh the cart in order to receive the discount for 2 products) - if And if you do not renew, the full responsibility will be on you and we do not owe any refund to the customer